I was showing off some of the capabilities of the embedded BI in Engagement Cloud when I realized that I never shared the catalog file of my word cloud report for you to reuse.
A word cloud is a great way to show insight in data. It shows in once glance much deeper and especially faster insight than what you could get from any other view showing the same level of detail. In the example below:
- The size of the opportunity names is relative to their open opportunity revenue amount
- The color shows the timeframe within which the opportunity is supposed to be closed
- Hovering over the opportunity names shows more details about the opportunities
- Clicking on the opportunity name will open up the opportunity transaction page
It is much easier to detect the most important opportunities by evaluating their close timeframe and value together rather than as separate statistics. A picture says more than a 1000 words !
A mobile optimized version can be found here
A video explaining on how to upload this report in your instance can be seen here
Have fun !