My favorite 18A new capability you ask? Adding mashup content to detail pages like adding some opportunity statistics or a chevron like sales process visualization as can be seen in the example below. Simple, easy but with endless possibilities! Yes we can !
Mashups are other browser pages that can be embedded within a page. Other browser pages could be anything from other applications, news sites to even Sales Cloud reports! They can be mashed together to provide a more intuitive user interface than if they would be used independently.
Mashup content can be embedded in Sales Cloud pages from App Composer in 2 ways:
- By referring to a free format URL’s
- By embedding a web applications
Web Applications
Web Applications are predefined mashups that also refer to a URL. But allow you to structure the URL and the needed parameters without having to list them in a long text string as you would do when using a free format URL. Providing a JWT Access token as a parameter to pass along with the URL, allows receiving applications to securely access for a limited amount of time, data from Sales Cloud by call api’s using the token as a security identification carrying the requestor’s identity.
Here we are, for me personally, the most exciting addition to Sales Cloud & Engagement Cloud in R18A!