Release 18C brings the introduction of a new type of infolets: Actionable Infolets! So far, infolets showed BI reports typically displaying one or more KPI’s. They served as a clickable button to open more detailed reports or dashboards. These new infolets are very different. They give insight in what users are working on, or what they had planned to do. They allow easy access to the most relevant pieces of information, with the least amount of clicks! These infolets are all about increasing efficiency when using Engagement Cloud.
There are 4 actionable infolets right now:
- My Appointments
- My Tasks
- My New Leads
- My Opportunities
Actionable Infolets
Each infolet is actionable in many ways. To start with, users can click on information in the infolets to open up the details of the task, appointment, lead or opportunity they clicked on. No more need to search information on a landing page first.
Much like a landing page, the content of these infolets can be changed by selecting a saved filter on top of the infolets as can be seen on the screenshot below.
But most actionable on these infolets are the available … actions. From the actions menu, direct actions on each individual record in the infolets can be taken. Additionally, from the top right orange menu, extra actions like the creation of a new record can be triggered (e.g. notice the ‘Create Opportunity’ menu option in the last screenshot).
When initially looking for these actionable infolets, I could not find the ‘My Opportunities’ and ‘My New Leads’ ones. They can be configured to show KPI’s or dashboards on the flip side of the infolets, but this can be disabled if desired.
Configuring Actionable Infolets
These infolets have some unique configuration options compared to regular infolets also. By default visible to everybody, the actionable infolets access can be taken away entirely (e.g. Hide the ‘My Leads’ infolets when leads management is not implemented) or conditionally (e.g. visible for specific roles only)
Furthermore, the content of these infolets can be controlled by defining the data fields they should contain and the number of records that should be displayed.

Imagine logging into Engagement Cloud early in the morning after a first cup of coffee. The infolet page gives you a nice overview of some key KPI’s and allows you to drill down into more detailed reports and dashboards to get some better insights in your sales actions. Additionally, from the same infolet page, you get a nice overview of your appointments and tasks scheduled for the day, and provides easy access to the opportunities and leads you were working on … what a nice start of the day !
I cannot wait to see how these will evolve over time, but I am a huge fan already !