In the last few releases, a lot of new capabilities were introduced that allow us to overhaul the Engagement Cloud user experience. But have you? In previous posts, I explained how Workspace completely changes the way we navigate and multitask in Engagement Cloud. In this post, I would like to share how I design my homepage nowadays.
I hope it inspires you to make a few changes to your implementations, reducing the number of clicks and simplify the overall navigation and enhance the user experience for end-users dramatically.
When I logon, I want my homepage to look like the screenshot below. I will explain why, but I am also really intrigued to know how you are taking advantage of all these new capabilities. So do not shy away from reacting to this post with your feedback or your suggestions!

So why do I organize my homepage this way?
My Homepage
I want my homepage to provide me all the info I need in one overview. I also want it to help me reduce unnecessary navigation through Engagement Cloud as much as possible.
That is why I choose to add to my homepage:
- The new revamped Global Search allowing me to find any kind of information across all objects quickly
- A simplified menu that on logon provides me access to Workspace immediately
- Infolets that allow me to learn and better understand my information, but that also includes the Actionable Infolets
- A chatbot to ask questions

Let me highlight for each of these what they provide me.
Just enough Analytics
Do I really needs to explain why I want analytics on my homepage? I think I talk about analytics on this blog enough no? Maybe even too much? But did you know that amongst the infolets below, there are actually 2 different types of infolets that provide me easy access to my information?

Actionable Infolets are not really infolets in the sense that their content is not a report. They contain mini-workspaces that allow me to search quickly my most important day-to-day data records without having to search or navigate through Engagement Cloud first. They act as a very flexible to-do list where I can tick off activities in my calendar, my open leads and my opportunities without having to navigate around.

Furthermore, I can add reporting infolets that show my high-level KPI’s or little lists and graphs that allow me to better understand my information in Engagement Cloud. Notice how some of them can flip around and or expand and show secondary
I always consider infolets as big buttons. They should allow me to drill down into more detailed

I arrange my infolets as shown above. Notice how I did not overload the info

My Homepage Menu
When the infolets do not provide me access to the information I was looking for, I can use the menu to navigate around.
Notice how I reduce the list of icons personaly to just 1 row of my favorite buttons. The full list of capabilities is always available via the top-right menu icon, also known as the ‘hamburger menu’.

Global Search
Another way of finding information is by using the revamped Global Search.
You would be amazed at how often we always look for the same data. We tend to work, in a given timeframe, on the same accounts, leads or opportunities, right? That is why recent items are shown before the search results show up, allowing you to pick one of them first.

And then the search results show up. A list of data records, across all objects matching your search criteria.

Does this make sense? What do you think? What would you change? Let me know! I am really wondering how you are organizing your Engagement Cloud homepage. Or even more, how you would do it differently!!
Vinod Sagayaraj
Hi Edward, This one is awesome and great. Thanks
Thomas Böhme
I like it !
This is great!
Mohamed ali BOUDLAL
Hello Edward,
If you have link of document what speaks about customization of home page , it will really good for me.
Thank you in advance,
Edward Dewolf
Mohamed, check out the documentation following this link and choose ‘Newsfeed’ as homepage layout.
Mohamed ali BOUDLAL
Thank you very much Edward.
What great and detailed overview Edward!!