Whether it is updating an opportunity sales stage, a contact phone number or an account address, making changes to information in Sales Cloud is business as usual. But how would you make the same change on multiple records? Record per record? Or would you prefer a feature that allows you to mass update changes on multiple records simultaneously?
Mass Update
When enabled on the opportunity or lead object, instead of drilling into a single record to make a change, you now can choose to activate the mass update feature by choosing ‘Update’ from the actions menu.
Now you can start selecting records to update by simply clicking on them. They will turn blue as an indication they are included in the selected records to be updated.
Notice also how the buttons in the top right corner of the screen change to continue the mass update process or to cancel out of the mass update process and return to the normal list view.
Once you have selected records, click on the ‘Update’ button and you will navigate to a screen where you can choose up to 4 fields you want to update for the selected records. Notice how the value field adapts to the field type of the field you want to update:
- date fields will allow you to pick a new date using the calendar icon
- list fields will change automatically into the list of values related to the chosen field
- percentage fields will show a small number input field
- …
Once you have chosen the fields you want to mass update and the values you want to use for the mass update, all that is left to do is submit the changes after which you will automatically return to the list view.
Mass-Update Extensibility
As or Release 13, you can per role and per list layout decide what columns should be available for mass update. In App Composer, for each list layout, you can specify the fields that users using each of the list layouts are allowed ti update through mass-update.
hey edward, is it possible to mass update a custom field? I created a field and added it to the template and to the landing page view, but there is no option to change it in the mass update screen. it appears only the predefined fields can be changed?
Edward Dewolf
I updated the post to explain how and where to specify which fields are available for mass update